Cancer Romantic
January 20, 2025
Planetary action star mars turns retrograde in your sign on january 6, so you’ll be feeling all the feels. This isn’t the time to make big romantic gestures or chase after potential new flames. Instead, cancer, take a dive deep into your own psyche to reevaluate what truly fulfills you in love relationships.
your lovely leader luna is full in your sign on the thirteenth, revealing your emotions and turning up the volume on your already heightened intuition. Single crabs, trust your gut feelings when it comes to potential partners or lovers. If something feels off, don’t ignore it. Attached? This lunation is the perfect time to find special ways to express your love and appreciation for bae. A venus-uranus s*xtile arrives on january 26, adding some turbulence to your love life. Breaking free from what you usually do and embracing new experiences, such as saying yes to an impromptu date or surprising your partner by spicing things up in the bedroom, is exactly what you need to do to feel excited about love again. Your social life improves as an aquarius new moon on the twenty-ninth inspires you to be proud of your individuality. Explore new possibilities with someone who has qualities you’ve never really been attracted to before, or cultivate friendships and shared interests outside of your relationship. Single or not, it’s time to celebrate your independent side.
Cancer Monthly horoscopes
Cancer Romantic horoscope
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