Disclamer - The most important things you should know about this test. This is not an MBTI test, it is not a copy of 16 personalities test. This test was not made by professionals and psychologists. This personality test was developed by one person interested in personality types, reading a lot of material in various sources and examining other tests. Questions are not stolen from other tests, they were suggested / translated and corrected by other people from the MBTI or other personality type groups on reddit and Facebook social networks. Another very important thing that you are recommended to take into consideration: you can not have one personality type, so that you will behave differently in different states and environments. Try to make sure of yourself - take the test when you are resting, tired, well-sleepy, angry and entertaining. Be open and honest to yourself, answer questions without thinking about the outcome. Often people get their results and fictitiously answer questions to get that type.
Personality types:
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Fast accurate free personality test online. Answer 32 simply questions and see what your personality type is. It's similar to the MBTI. Are you Introvert or Extrovert?