Taurus & Gemini Trust

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Taurus & Gemini Trust

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Taurus & Gemini Trust

Trust can be a real issue with this couple. Gemini is not all that trustworthy when someone tries to tie them down. Taurus, in most cases, lives for the day when they will be tied down with someone simultaneously. If they don’t start their relationship on a clear and truthful foundation, where the first thing they learn about each other would be the level of commitment each of them wants, a true problem with trust will easily arise.
Gemini partner will start thinking of excuses to get out of any obligation imposed on them by Taurus, only to avoid hurting their feelings. In response, Taurus will sense something is wrong and start obsessing about their partner’s behavior and the things they say. This can come to the point of absolute distrust between them, especially if Taurus gets really angry and “vindictive” in their usual passive and stubborn manner.
Gemini’s intentions are often misinterpreted here and this can lead to a number of following situations that will hurt them both. It is very important for them to discuss into detail what they both wish for while their relationship grows. This way, they could prevent misunderstanding that could lead to an unrepairable lack of trust.