Taurus & Gemini Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Taurus & Gemini Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Taurus & Gemini Communication and intellect

Taurus is a sign that precedes Gemini. In the astrological sense, this tells us that the sign of Gemini wouldn’t exist if Taurus wasn’t there. Basically, this means that Gemini partner wouldn’t do much if their physical needs weren’t taken care of. This is where their relationship has a strong connection, for Gemini partner might need someone like Taurus to take care of their body and its needs.
It is very easy for an Air sign such as Gemini to forget to have lunch or sleep for a couple of hours per night. There are so many interesting things in the world that they just don’t want to miss. Taurus partner could cook a healthy meal, take care of their finances and insist on a daily schedule that would give their Gemini a good energetic base to invest in their ideas.
In general, their interests are not that similar, but they can find a way to communicate, for none of them lacks gentleness and a way with words. If Gemini partner decides to slow down a little bit and Taurus opens up, they could even find out it is possible for them to have fun together. After all, they are ruled by Venus and Mercury, two inner planets that are, when combined, in charge of fun, sweet talk and the art of conversation.