Taurus & Aquarius Trust

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Taurus & Aquarius Trust

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Taurus & Aquarius Trust

If Taurus wasn’t so stressed out by their Aquarius partner, they might decide to be true and honest. Aquarius doesn’t really understand the attitude Taurus has and least of all their fear of not being good enough. Guilt and self-criticism is the most difficult trait of Taurus, and one Aquarius is free from, finding it obsolete. This strict Aquarius opinion will scare Taurus to the point where they feel it is impossible to tell how they feel. This will end in a circle of lies and mistrust that cannot be repaired.
There seems to be no flexibility in an Aquarius partner, although they tend to show a nature that is so open for people’s differences. In order to build the subtle trust, Taurus needs to be brave and stop thinking about the consequences of everything they say, while Aquarius needs to let go of their righteous attitude and be careful about the way their Taurus partner feels in their presence.