Taurus & Aquarius Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Taurus & Aquarius Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Taurus & Aquarius Communication and intellect

As a contact of Earth and Air elements, they can be so far apart that they can’t find anything to talk about. The sign of Taurus brings Uranus to its fall and all of those bright ideas Aquarius has, seem to go through the sieve of reality given by Taurus. This wouldn’t be a problem per se, but sometimes the narrow-minded Taurus doesn’t exactly see the true possibilities of the material world and can bring down their Aquarius partner to the point where they don’t see how any of their dreams is possible.
If Taurus shows understanding for their partner’s need to fly, they could actually help them materialize what they have dreamed about. This doesn’t happen often, for Aquarius rarely finds Taurus as a person to talk to, slow and boring with a “small town” attitude that inhibits the progress of our civilization.
Their differences are hard to reconcile and when they fall in love, every little thing could become a huge problem and a reason for both of them to think about ending the relationship. If Taurus wants a white picket fence, Aquarius wants a condo on 67th floor. If Taurus yearns for compassion, Aquarius doesn’t care about opinions of others. If Taurus wants to go by foot, Aquarius wants to buy a plane ticket. In general, they can find that they aren’t exactly made for each other, unless they both have enough flexibility to understand the ultimate difference in others, and enough openness to do things they don’t care about just to see if they like them in the end.