Scorpio & Libra Emotions

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Scorpio & Libra Emotions

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Scorpio & Libra Emotions

There is an incredible intensity to their feelings when they do fall in love. In many cases, love simply won’t happen. Libra looks for an active, fiery partner that will awaken their life force and bring light into their life. Scorpio looks for someone physical, sensual and practical, and although Libra can meet these needs to some point due to Saturn’s exaltation and the rule of Venus, in most cases this is not primarily who they want to be.
When a spark exists between them, it will easily build up to a fire, burning entire cities, forests and everyone on its way including both of them. That nuclear energy of Scorpio is ignited by its preceding sign of Libra, because it carries information on all unresolved issues in relationships and all of the anger that hasn’t been let out because of the forced need for appropriate behavior.
In other words, Libra will accumulate the unexpressed sexual energy and it will burst in Scorpio, leading to a lifelong war if enough is pushed under the rug. This will be construed as ultimate love, making their emotional relationship ridiculously intense. They need to understand that love is about tenderness as much as everything else and if they don’t have any, maybe it is not love but simple physical attraction and a need to vent from restrictions.