Scorpio & Libra Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Scorpio & Libra Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Scorpio & Libra Communication and intellect

There is nothing Scorpio can say that Libra won’t be able to rationalize. Their communication is the exact place where the connection of Libra to Saturn comes in handy. This will give Libra the ability to slow down, breathe in, and understand the impulsive acts or words of their Scorpio partner. There is just enough depth in both of these signs, even though Libra is an Air sign and quite distant from planet Earth. This will allow just enough understanding between them in a rational sense.
The problem they have to deal with is in the fact that they both represent a detriment for each other’s rulers. This will easily lead to the dismissal of each other’s personalities, especially since Libra has to deal with personality issues through the fall of the Sun, and Scorpio doesn’t accept anything that isn’t whole. Libra will have trouble understanding the aggressively clear side of Scorpio, as much as Scorpio won’t understand the dishonest act of their Libra partner. Their differences could be very difficult to reconcile if they get too close to each other and start meddling in their personal lives and decisions.