Pisces & Taurus Emotions

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Pisces & Taurus Emotions

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Pisces & Taurus Emotions

Taurus and Pisces have a magical emotional connection. For as long as Pisces don’t change their mind and swim off, their relationship should be filled with love and wonder. With Pisces exalting Venus, the ruler of Taurus, this is not only love but adoration. Taurus will feel, for however long, like the center of someone’s world, loved and cherished to the point of unbearable beauty. If this feeling goes on, they could stay in a beautiful relationship for a very long time.
As soon as Pisces partner feels this beautiful emotion dying down, they will make a spontaneous maneuver to distance themselves from their Taurus partner. The funny thing is that in most cases Taurus won’t be hurt at all. That simple feel of inadequacy will be enough for both of them to let distance take its course. Even though Taurus has a tendency to get emotionally bound to their partner, their potential separation from Pisces will be as coming back to reality more than a devastating event.