Pisces & Taurus Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Pisces & Taurus Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Pisces & Taurus Communication and intellect

Taurus and Pisces probably won’t have the need to talk much. Instead, they will understand each other through all types of nonverbal communication, curious about each other’s next movement. Subtlety of Pisces is something truly inspiring for Taurus and they will feel the need to get to know every detail in their partner’s behavior. Both of these signs are not very talkative and Pisces even lead Mercury to its fall. This is why they really need to form a strong emotional bond and listen to each other through very little words.
That field of talent and creative energy that Pisces carries along goes well with Taurus’ need for beauty. Unfortunately, they can get lost in the world of Pisces and really lose that grip they have on reality. At first, this will be like a drug, an addiction, something they have been waiting for their entire life. As time goes by, the feeling will not be this good, for they will lose touch with themselves and have a feeling they don’t know who they are anymore. The most important thing for Taurus in a relationship with Pisces is to stand their ground and hold on to their common sense, practicality and their usual need to live in reality.