Libra & Aquarius Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Libra & Aquarius Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Libra & Aquarius Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Aquarius can truly help Libra express their sexuality. The problems with Libra’s Sun bring too much concern for opinions of other people, so representatives of this sing go to extremes when it comes to the way they show their sexuality. They will either be afraid to be judged and seem too asexual, or have a need to show it “in spite” of everyone’s opinion and this can be quite repulsive for their partner. When it comes to sexuality, Aquarius has an entirely different approach – they simply don’t care about anyone’s opinion. They live their life in a constant search for freedom from any taboos or restrictions, and this will help Libra forget about other people, at least for some time.
Although their sex life can be quite liberating for Libra, it can also be a bit challenging for Aquarius because they will be the one who has to fight against Libra’s need to fit in. However, as two Air signs, they will both tend to be free to express their sexual desires to each other. They will like to experiment, learn about each other and their own inner desires and communicate with ease. Their sexual relations should be a strong pillar of their entire relationship, although they will usually think of their verbal ways to get along as the most important for their bond.