Libra & Aquarius Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Libra & Aquarius Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Libra & Aquarius Communication and intellect

Libra and Aquarius both have certain images to maintain. Libra wants to look nice and act nice for others, while Aquarius wants to go in the opposite direction of everyone, sometimes even if there is no reason to do so. They are both stiff in their convictions and won’t easily change their mind once they are set on it.
Aquarius won’t have such a good time waiting for Libra to make any decision in their life, no more than Libra will enjoy the spontaneous, unpredictable nature of Aquarius. Since they both rely on communication, they will have a lot to talk about and will usually find a language to solve all of their issues. Still, it won’t be easy for them to reconcile some of the differences in their approach to things. Libra is indecisive but once they make a decision, they will rather stick to it than salvage their relationship, even if it is a simple meal in question. Aquarius will have a tendency to walk away as soon as they feel pressured into anything, even if it is that same meal. So basically, they could have an enormous problem about lunch if we talk about extremes.
Still, they usually understand each other well on usual, daily things and have similar convictions that help them handle big changes in life well. In time, as they get to know each other, their personalities will get along better and they could realize that they respect each other to a point that is unreachable with anybody else.