Gemini & Leo Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Gemini & Leo Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Gemini & Leo Communication and intellect

Gemini and Leo are both rational and focused on their mental activity. Leo does have a deep emotional background, but pays a lot of attention to words and intellectual strength of their partner. This is where Gemini jumps in as a faithful follower, to admire their Leo partner and teach them a thing or two.
If they find themselves in an emotional relationship with each other, they will probably talk about everything else but their feelings. Leo might have the need to, in general, but Gemini partner will easily seduce them to go in another direction. They both don’t have much use for sweet talk and if Gemini tries to use the way they have with words, it could work only up to a point where they start sounding fake. There is not much room for overthinking, and they will both probably say the first thing that comes to their mind. This is a great way to build trust between them, if they don’t judge each other in the process and share some emotions along the way.
Still, there is an issue of Leo’s “perfect” Sun. This position gives so much energy to Leo that they sometimes feel obligated to burn everyone around them by imposing their will. This is a strange need of Leo, since the sign supports Sun greatly, but it is there. They usually have this idea to change the world and make it a better place, and this can drive their Gemini partner crazy in case they don’t have enough room for their own opinions.