
Compatibility between zodiac signs: Summary

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Gemini and Leo Summary

Gemini and Leo can have so much fun that it could make the rest of the zodiac envious. They both consider their day best spent in laughter, and if they share friends, they could seem like a perfect couple. Their main challenge is the difference in their approach to change and they both need to make room for small adjustments in their behavior if they want their relationship to last. Leo will need to make room for more movement and understand what seems to be “flakiness” of their changeable Gemini partner, while Gemini will have to understand that Leo is in fact keeping them together for however long they are meant to last. Their mutual respect can usually overcome any boundaries, and they should keep having fun and building their relationship on a solid foundation of childish joy.