Cancer & Pisces Trust

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Cancer & Pisces Trust

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Cancer & Pisces Trust

It is a good thing that Cancer is usually not aggressive or pushy, or they could easily get dishonesty from Pisces as a response to their tendency to create intimacy and a happy home at any cost. Pisces don’t really understand marriage except as a part of a fairytale ending or because of all that lace, and Cancer will usually want a wedding as a crowning of a loving relationship. This could be recognized as pressure to some point and this could lead to Pisces partner getting scared.
When Pisces get scared, they somehow fail to tell the truth even on silly things in their life, because they feel the need to distance themselves from any pressure they might feel. It is a good thing that Cancer understands this and easily separates lies from intimacy. Whatever the situation, they will both probably be patient enough to have just enough trust in one another for their relationship to work out.