Cancer & Pisces Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Cancer & Pisces Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Cancer & Pisces Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Cancer and Pisces are almost always brought together by a romantic love. Their sexual connection is usually primarily emotional. Pisces partner might seem a bit weird and kinky to Cancer, but they should have a feel for each other, strong enough for both of them to enrich their sexual relationship with their own quality.
Cancer will bring intimacy into their sex life and the meaning behind the act. They will nurture their partner and care about their pleasure, giving them a stable and a safe approach to a healthy sex life. Pisces will bring in change, creativity, inspiration and probably a lot of sensuality due to the fact that this is the sign that exalts Venus. The beauty of this connection is in the emotion they share and the way they cherish each other and respect each other’s sensitivity.
Their main problem might arise because Cancer can be somewhat traditional when it comes to sex and Pisces partner doesn’t really understand this. Pisces’ need to connect and feel love is larger than any sort of rule humankind might have made for love. However, in most cases they will be tender enough to inspire their Cancer partner to let go of their rigid attitudes and shame, and give in to the beauty of sexual exchange of emotions.