Aries & Scorpio Values

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Aries & Scorpio Values

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Aries & Scorpio Values

It is a good thing they both value bravery and things that are concrete and clear. Still, they part ways in their further processing of these.
While Aries considers something is done with as soon as it’s cleared, Scorpio will dig for reasons why it would be unclear, or was unclear in the first place. So when together, they would both feel the need to clear things up, but Scorpio will obsess about them even when issues are solved and find new details that need to be cleared up, again and again. They need to be productive and fully independent, or they will drive their Aries partner crazy.
When it comes to bravery, Aries thinks of bravery as a knight’s tale, something to show when you are wearing your sword, while Scorpio thinks it is brave to sink into the darkness of the mind, go to the underground, the underworld or challenge the devil himself. This is exactly where the difference in their deep levels of the nature of Mars comes to light. Although everything seems the same, nothing is even remotely close to being similar at all, as soon as you scratch beneath the surface.