Aries & Scorpio Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Aries & Scorpio Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Aries & Scorpio Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Aries and Scorpio are signs with an unbreakable bond. Aries is our first breath, Scorpio is the last. They are two sides of the same coin, both ruled by Mars, a planet of instincts, necessities of the body and sexuality as one of these. When they are in a sexual relationship, it can be difficult to set all of the aggression aside. Not only are they both ruled by Mars, but Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, too. Pluto is known for its destructive qualities, usually related to sexual repression and it can intensify all things, sex primarily. So they are basically a combination of everything we don’t want to deal with when it comes to sex, taboos and instinctive sexual behavior.
This is a contact that lacks pleasures and tenderness of Venus. Both signs are the opposite of ones ruled by Venus and represent positions where Venus is in detriment. We could say that this means “lack of love”, but it is not quite that simple. Since Scorpio is a Water sign, it is connected to our deepest, darkest ability to love. Scorpios need to feel emotion in their sexual experiences, but due to suppressive nature of our society, can live out some weird sexual scenarios that may seem “sick and twisted” to more conservative zodiac signs. It is a good thing that Aries rarely belongs to this category, for it is a sign where all conservative and rigid opinions have fallen with Saturn.
If Aries and Scorpio find an understanding inside their sexual relationship, they will probably become the atomic bomb of all sexual experiences you can think of. Still, it is hard for them to find their shared language. They are, in fact, completely different. Aries likes things “straight” and simple. Scorpio, on the other hand, has a slight need to manipulate, play a game of seduction and takes sexual relations very seriously. They always want to transcend all of their previous sexual experiences and find someone they can merge their Soul with, to possess and adore until they die. Aries is much more simple and masculine when it comes to sex. It is a physical need that needs to be met. They usually have to build emotion inside a sexual relationship as they get to know their partner. This relationship’s real possibility exists only if they share the need to satisfy one another and treat each other with enough tenderness.