Aries & Libra Values

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Aries & Libra Values

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Aries & Libra Values

Our values set the direction that leads us to our goal for personal development. Aries has a goal in the sign of Capricorn for this is the sign in their tenth house. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn that exalts in Libra. In the practical sense, this means that Libra helps Aries achieve their goals, while following necessary values. This is an interesting observation because the sign of Aries is the sign of Saturn’s debilitation and doesn’t seem to understand the set of values or exact steps that would lead them to their goal. It is almost as if Libra knew the way for Aries to reach their goals by discovering new values in relationship with them.
In general, their individual values are different in so many ways, but it is exactly the purpose of their relationship to question them and set them straight. Aries values direct, energized approach and outspoken people. Libra values tact, fineness and prestige. While Aries gives their best to live in the now, Libra examines the past to set distant targets in the future. They have a lot to learn from each other, but if they do, they might just set their mutual values somewhere in the middle.