Aries & Libra Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Aries & Libra Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Aries & Libra Communication and intellect

Aside from possible conflicts Libra tries to flee from most of the time, their communication usually serves to feed the hungry Sun of a Libra partner, or Aries’ hungry Saturn. Their opposition covers the points of debilitation and exaltation of Saturn and Sun, and this is mainly shown in their communication and everyday functioning. This means that their role in each other’s life is quite simple – Aries needs to boost their Libra partner’s spirits all the time, showing them how capable and brave they can be, while Libra takes on the responsibilities of their Aries partner and shows them how to reach a certain goal. All of this can be quite tiresome at times, especially if one of them has a problem with this unconditional role play, or doesn’t recognize the effort of their partner.
Mostly they will talk about their daily activities and events since they don’t share many interests. While talking about different activities and people, they find a common language as Aries helps Libra not to obsess about others and Libra helps Aries to understand different views than their own. Their communication might be great if they were in the same profession or at least share a workplace, because that would cover the basic interests they share and give them more space to find the middle between their opinions.