Aquarius & Scorpio Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Aquarius & Scorpio Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Aquarius & Scorpio Communication and intellect

For as long as they don’t give in to their stubborn, unmovable modes, these partners could have great conversations about all strange topics they can imagine. None of them will want to have small talk or discuss their day at work. It is futile from their perspective, and although Scorpio likes to be in control of everything their partner does, it will be refreshing to talk to someone who says unusual things. The biggest quality of their relationship is an incredible connection of depth and width in only one couple. They will both have trouble understanding our society as it is, and have certain similar perspectives on anything out of the ordinary.
Scorpio exalts Aquarius’ ruler and this is why their relationship is the possibility for both of them to grow. Not only will Scorpio adore the intellectual strength of their partner, but they will also help them understand the way their ideas might be realized through a feeling of ultimate possibility.
The weakest link in their relationship is their respect for each other, combined with their static natures. We would think that both of these signs are in connection to change and they couldn’t possibly be static, but in fact, they are static in their way of change, and their biggest challenge is to stop for a minute and treasure what they’ve found in each other.