
Compatibility between zodiac signs: Summary

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Aquarius and Scorpio Summary

Someone might say that this is a karmic relationship, that these partners were enemies in one of their previous lives and that they could fight until one of them falls dead. This would be a bit extreme though. The truth is, Scorpio is the sign of Uranus’ exaltation and as such, it adores Aquarius in a way. In most cases, Scorpio partner will show their affection obsessively, but this might actually feel good for Aquarius. When we look at the sign of Aquarius, we will see that it exalts Neptune, the ruler of a Water sign of Pisces, and all of our assumptions on their lack of emotionality will drown in their ultimate love.
The fact is they are both in a way outcasts and rebels. While Scorpio represents all of our emotions we don’t want to deal with, Aquarius represents the way of thinking most of us are not ready for. It is best to look at them as announcers of change, for this is exactly what they will bring into each other’s lives.