Scorpio Overview
February 18, 2025
Be kind to yourself
the sun is in aquarius, scorpio, so it’s time to step back, unwind, and indulge in some well-deserved self-care. Relax as you pamper and nurture your body, mind, and soul. It’s not just a treat—it’s a necessity.
harmony blooms in your work life as lovely venus enters aries early in the month, making it easier to collaborate with coworkers and create a balanced routine.
jupiter turning direct in gemini on february 4 brings renewed hope, encouraging you to make decisions based on the deep insights you’ve gained recently. This is your moment to integrate what you’ve learned and let go of what no longer serves you. Prioritize yourself! The full moon is in bold leo on the twelfth, and you’re stepping into the spotlight. Even so, tread carefully, because an emotional outburst or dramatic statement could echo far and wide. Think before you speak to make sure you shine for all the right reasons.
mercury and the sun move into dreamy pisces on february 14 and february 18, respectively, and life takes on a softer, more playful tone. This is the perfect time to relax, let your creative juices flow, and indulge in romantic possibilities. Whether you’re single or coupled, fun and flirtation are on the horizon. Embrace the magic and enjoy recharging. Mars turns direct in cancer on the twenty-third, so the pioneering energy you unearthed during its retrograde phase is now yours to harness. Adventure calls, and new places and experiences are waiting to expand your horizons. Don’t hold back. Just let curiosity guide you.
finally, the new moon in pisces on february 27 opens doors in love and creativity. It’s a perfect moment to take a budding romance to the next level, strengthening the connection and deepening emotions. And if you’ve been nervous about sharing your creative talents, now is the time to showcase your work to the world. Embrace the spotlight. You truly deserve it.
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