Taurus & Scorpio Trust

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Taurus & Scorpio Trust

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Taurus & Scorpio Trust

Scorpio rarely trusts anyone but themselves unconditionally and in a relationship with Taurus they need to build the sense of security. We wouldn’t exactly say that Scorpio is insecure, but their deep emotional nature makes them question everyone’s motives in caution not to get hurt.
There is a fine line between two possibilities in a relationship of Taurus and Scorpio. The first possibility would be the one in which Taurus partner is really closed up, unreachable and too quiet. This could wake the suspicious nature of Scorpio and their obsessive interrogations will damage their mutual trust even more then they lacked it in the first place. The second option would be for Taurus partner to be open just enough to share what Scorpio needs to hear.
If they manage to find this fine balance, they shouldn’t have a problem. As they get more and more intimate, Taurus will feel secure enough to share everything Scorpio wants to know and Scorpio will realize that their stable and unchangeable Taurus won’t disappoint them.