Scorpio & Scorpio Emotions

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Scorpio & Scorpio Emotions

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Scorpio & Scorpio Emotions

Scorpio is a Water sign and represents all dismissed emotions we don’t want to deal with. This makes representatives of this sign turned to the dark emotional issues and this is something they will both understand in each other. The problem with Scorpio is in its battle with the Moon and the fact that emotions aren’t approved here. This can make them both intolerant for weakness, rough in their approach to one another and too judgmental toward each other’s emotional needs, even though they both actually share the same needs.
They will both be faced with emotions they don’t want to deal with, simply because that is their individual role in other people’s lives. This could lead to numerous conflicts, but it could also be the base for incredible personal evolution of each partner, and an opportunity to be with someone who truly understands the depth of their hearts. The best way for them to approach this relationship is through deepest emotional acceptance and the tolerance for incredible difference in character, even though they are, strangely, the same.