
Compatibility between zodiac signs: Summary

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Scorpio and Gemini Summary

Gemini and Scorpio will usually annoy each other senseless. None of them will lightly understand their partner’s personality. To Gemini, their partner will seem too depressed and dark for no apparent reason, and for Scorpio, this could be an experience with no purpose or depth. If they do fall crazy in love, they could connect through their mutual love of change and give each other the exact things they lack. Gemini would get deep, emotional satisfaction they have never felt before and Scorpio would finally get the chance to rest their troubled soul, and realize that not everything needs to be taken seriously. This is a relationship of great lessons and an enormous capacity for personal growth of both partners.