Sagittarius & Cancer Emotions

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Sagittarius & Cancer Emotions

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Sagittarius & Cancer Emotions

This is not a combination of Sun signs that will fall in love very often. As elements of Water and Fire, they don’t really spark each other’s passion and the love between them will hardly ever be the same intensity, at the same time or the same pace. Sagittarius is a mutable Fire sign and they usually fall in love quickly and passionately. If their love is to last, their partner needs to surprise and impress them often, making the relationship exciting and unpredictable.
Cancer, on the other hand, is a cardinal Water sign, and they will make sharp turns and huge changes, but much less frequently than their partner. Cancers follow their feel of situations and people, and need time to build a relationship in which they feel secure enough to share emotions. When love happens between them, usually Sagittarius feels it first, wants to jump in and out and in and out enough times for Cancer to realize that they cannot build this sense of security to even consider their relationship a true love.
If they are to build a love that will last, Sagittarius partner will have to slow down and wait until their partner decides how they feel. In return, Cancer will have to take a leap of faith and jump into a relationship that offers no security, to see if enough love can be found between them so they can stay together.