Sagittarius & Aries Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Sagittarius & Aries Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Sagittarius & Aries Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

When Aries and Sagittarius engage in sexual relations it can be quite funny. Sagittarius partner has this innate ability to make a joke out of almost anything. The seriousness of an Aries when sex is in question is something that gives Sagittarius a strong impulse to make a joke.
These are two Fire signs, both very passionate, each one in their own way. Aries is passionate when it comes to action, new things and of course – naked people and specific sexual positions. Sagittarius is passionate about their cheerful personality. You have to understand that Sagittarius really only cares about their opinions, convictions and moral value. They can spend their entire life analyzing these to see if they are wrong or right and search for the universal truth. When it comes to their optimism and good mood, they passionately protect them from anything too serious or hard. If they let someone taint them, it would shake their conviction that they should always smile and find a reason to be happy.
Although Aries can be a bit vain about their sexual abilities and performance, in most cases Sagittarius is able to break this wall of strict, sexual tension and lead them to a more relaxed zone where they can relax and experiment.