Libra & Sagittarius Trust

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Libra & Sagittarius Trust

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Libra & Sagittarius Trust

As stated above, rulers of Libra and Sagittarius are closely linked to Neptune and the challenge of trust is one of the most important experiences that this relationship gives. They can both go to extremes, either having unrealistic faith in each other or mistrusting every word and every action that is made. The only way to keep the image of trust for these signs seems to be to always stay in a fairytale, unrealistic state, and this is something a Sagittarius will never want to do. If truth isn’t lived, nothing in the world is beautiful for a Sagittarian Sun. As soon as they start their search for something different, Libra will sense the change and become frustrated by their inability to create oneness with a partner they love.