Leo & Pisces Emotions

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Leo & Pisces Emotions

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Leo & Pisces Emotions

Both of these individuals are extremely emotional, each in their own way. The Fire element Leo belongs to, makes them passionate and gives them the need to fight for their loved one and their emotions. Pisces is a Water sign, and much more passive, showing their passion through the flow of emotion. They will rarely fight for anything, convinced that perfection doesn’t need fighting for and that real treasures are spontaneous and free of conflict.
The middle point for these partners is in their realization that not everything needs to be won, as much as not everything should be uninfluenced. Although true emotions are supposed to develop without difficulty, sometimes life is testing us to see if we really care. Still, this is not something that happens all the time, and sometimes things need to be let go because they don’t belong to us, and we don’t belong to them.