Leo & Libra Trust

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Leo & Libra Trust

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Leo & Libra Trust

It is not that often for Leo and Libra to share a relationship filled with mutual trust. The problem here arises from their understanding of the Sun, for it rules Leo and falls in Libra. To add to that, Leo is a sign of Neptune’s fall and Libra can often sense the dishonesty behind Leo’s confident act, if there is any. The problem lies in the fact that they both like to be seen, but in an entirely different way. Leo wants to show everything they’ve got and Libra wants to get approval from other people. None of them understands the other, and this can become a reason to get jealous and mistrustful. If they wish to remain in a trusting relationship, they need to find approval and a suitable audience in each other to begin with. Only then will they be able to move on and look for these things in other people without arising suspicion.