Leo & Leo Emotions

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Leo & Leo Emotions

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Leo & Leo Emotions

Leo is a Fire sign of fixed quality, and they are pretty hard to change. The Fire of Leo creates warmth, passion and creative energy. This can sometimes fail to be recognized as true emotion, especially by Water signs, and it is a good thing that two Leos understand each other’s emotional depth perfectly. The truth is, Leo is an extremely emotional sign. It relies on Cancer and moves to Virgo, so this is a sign that has an impossible task to connect pure emotion to pure intellect. Their starting point, however, is emotion.
Their main challenge in this emotional field is the way to express how they feel and how not to get burnt. As all Fire signs, Leo has a passionate nature that moves fiercely and they can sometimes regret not following their heart. They easily substitute emotion with passion and often burst into flames before they realize how they feel. When there are two of them, their relationship can seem like a chain nuclear reaction that has no emotional foundation. However, there is so much emotion underneath the surface if they choose to stay together, for only a Leo knows how they feel after the outburst has been shown to the world.