
Compatibility between zodiac signs: Summary

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Leo and Cancer Summary

Although the Moon reflects the light from the Sun, the sign of Cancer doesn’t really see Leo as the source of all their joy. Leo is a sign that should spread joy and love with an active approach to each one of their relationships. How is it possible that Cancer is immune? Well probably because the Moon circles around the Earth, not the Sun.
They are special, that’s for sure. Both of them are strong individuals, each on their own plane. Their lack of understanding and emotional touch can be explained through the fact that both of them have a mission to spread love to the less fortunate signs of the zodiac. Not everyone is born with an emotional flow like Cancer and a huge, warm heart like Leo. If they kept all this love to themselves, some unfortunate souls would probably search for them aimlessly, and the world would be a much sadder place.