
Compatibility between zodiac signs: Summary

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Leo and Aries Summary

The relationship of Aries and Leo is passionate and turbulent, but they don’t seem to mind an occasional fight and a sharp word. When they fall in love deeply, they are almost impossible to separate as they stubbornly hold on to the idea of their future together. Although they are not two of the most romantic believers in love, they are passionate in their beliefs and when they find love, they will fight for it until there is literally nothing left of their relationship.
It is meaningless to advise gentle behavior or looking for peace, because the entire world of their relationship is based on the element of Fire they share. It is pointless to look for peace, when the opposite of peace is what attracts them in the first place. For as long as they love each other and stay faithful and true, they will be tied up in a relationship they need to fight for every day. Their main objective is to find a way to enjoy the fight and have fun.