Gemini & Taurus Emotions

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Gemini & Taurus Emotions

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Gemini & Taurus Emotions

It is not very likely they will share their emotions with ease and enjoy each other the way they might with some other zodiac representatives. Still, there is a gentle side to Taurus that can melt down even the coldest of hearts. In most cases, their best chance of a loving relationship is in the love Taurus feels. We wouldn’t say that Gemini is insensitive or unemotional, but they certainly have different approach to their emotional nature than the Earth sign of Taurus, that exalts the Moon.
When Taurus falls in love with a Gemini, they will do anything to understand their nature. There is nothing that a gentle nature of Taurus can’t understand, however different from their personal primal character it might be. When their Gemini feels this deep and stable understanding, they could respond in a warm and childish way, learning that they can be free even when in love with someone like Taurus.