Gemini & Gemini Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Gemini & Gemini Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Gemini & Gemini Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

When we think of two Gemini in a sexual relationship, it is okay if we laugh a little. The image that comes to mind could easily be the image of two people with split personalities, trying to have sex by banging their heads together and talking at the same time. Although they will most certainly have an abundance of information on sexual activity, only after they have had some experience can they become great lovers. It is very rare for a Gemini as an Air sign, to be practical and find the way to manifest what they’ve read or heard about in the realm of reality and physical body. Their biggest quality is the ability to learn. With their desire to become great lovers, they will absorb knowledge through each of their relationship like a sponge.
Two Gemini together will share information and coordinate their previous experiences with one another. They will be more satisfied when they teach their partner something, than they will be by sex itself. With their open minds and creative wit, there is probably not a single place they wouldn’t want to have sex with, nor a position they wouldn’t want to try out. It is not like they are promiscuous, but find joy and excitement in the change of scenery, especially if there is relative movement involved, too. So imagine a train, an airplane restroom or any means of transportation in which it is possible to hide.
However, their sexual life can become empty when the excitement has passed if none of them has enough depth to bring into the act of sex. They are not even aware of the focus and emotional connection they need, until they find the right partner. Usually this is not another Gemini. Their hearts should be dug up and their relation to sexuality changed, before they get together with one of their kind. Any other scenario probably won’t keep them satisfied for very long.