Capricorn & Capricorn Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Capricorn & Capricorn Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Capricorn & Capricorn Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

It is hard to say anything about this couple, let alone imagine their sex life. We can see two partners that exalt Mars, meaning their libidos are strong and they have the need to follow their instincts. But we can also see two people who hold on to their restrictions, who deny themselves the right for satisfaction and choose to make rational decisions every single day. Practicality doesn’t go well with sexuality, and while other partners can awake their sexual creativity and form an intimate bond with them, two Capricorn partners will rarely satisfy each other in a sexual and an emotional sense combined.
On top of this, there is a fact that their sign is a ruler of time itself, and the most probable outcome of their contact is an endless wait for anything to happen. None of them lacks initiative as they do both exalt Mars, but when it comes to taboos and matters of the flesh, two Capricorn partners can’t seem to get to the point in which they actually take their clothes off. When they start a sexual relationship, they could go to one of two extremes. Either they will fully understand each other’s needs with very few words, or they will just hit the wall every time any partner wishes to create a more intimate atmosphere.