Cancer & Libra Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Cancer & Libra Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Cancer & Libra Communication and intellect

As signs ruled by Venus and the Moon, it is safe to presume that their relationship is in a way very important. Although Libra is in charge for the upper, spiritual nature of Venus, it is still a sign of relationships and the Moon will only emphasize the need for closeness and harmony. Their communication will not be too difficult, but there is a chance they won’t share many interests or respect each other enough for it to have true quality.
Their main problem could surface if they start making unrealistic plans together. The expectations of Cancer with Capricorn as their opposing sign would be extremely practical and strict. Libra does exalt Saturn, but it is not an Earth sign, and usually they remain in the field of ideas instead of a practical approach to materialization. Cancer doesn’t understand how someone can be so far from reality and this could lead to a strange passive conflict that could endanger their entire relationship. Cancer needs to realize that Libra has its place among the Air signs, in the field of ideas - not necessarily their realization.
It is important to remember that Libra has a troubled Sun and usually looks for a partner with more fire and passionate energy than Cancer normally has. However ugly that might sound, they need someone to feed on, and they normally have strong relationships with fire signs which produce enough energy even for their loved ones, or Air signs who don’t really care about it. The sign of Cancer unconsciously calculates and distributes energy to their inner priority list, and they will rarely have an excess big enough to shower Libra in it.