Aries & Virgo Emotions

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Aries & Virgo Emotions

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Aries & Virgo Emotions

When it comes to emotions, we could say that their emotional compatibility is better than their sexual one. Still, as Virgo is primarily an intellectual sign, a sign where Venus falls and the lack of emotion is evident, and Aries usually mixes up love and sexual attraction, it is hard to achieve a quality emotional connection between them. Their best chance for love would be the silent observation by Virgo partner for some time before they get together, because this would give a rational advantage in knowing the person they are starting a relationship with. It would also be good for Aries to think before acting, not a usual thing they would do.
If they knew each other as friends, going through their emotional experiences with other people prior to them becoming a couple, they could know each other well enough to make their relationship work. When Aries goes from friendship into a sexual relationship, they tend to be much more considerate and gentle. Without sexual involvement Aries is more tolerant and a better listener, so friendship will provide more substance to their romantic relationship.