Aries & Gemini Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Aries & Gemini Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Aries & Gemini Communication and intellect

Aries is simply not the master of the art of conversation. Gemini is a sign ruled by Mercury and conversation is their main life theme. Even if they talk less than a typical Gemini usually does, their inner dialogue must be rich. Both partners should approach the relationship as if Gemini person was there to teach Aries how to have a good conversation. Since Gemini loves to be in a role of a teacher and loves to be in a relationship in which their partner learns something from them, this should be a good approach for both of them. That is if Aries’ ego allows this “submissive” role.
Still, we are all aware that there are some Gemini representatives that simply talk too much about nothing significant at all. This would be a reason for Aries to lose their temper and think of their partner as superficial and even stupid. This loss of respect is truly bad for their own ego, since the decision to be with this partner was theirs in the first place. They should remember that there is always somebody in the world who wouldn’t think of this specific Gemini as stupid and that everyone deserves to be with someone who doesn’t see them in this light. When this disrespect happens in their relationship, Aries should consider letting their Gemini go and look for someone who suits them better.