Aquarius & Gemini Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Aquarius & Gemini Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Aquarius & Gemini Communication and intellect

When Gemini and Aquarius engage in an intellectual debate, they are fun for everyone to watch. They stimulate each other’s mind to such a point that they fire arguments they weren’t aware existed in their thoughts. While Gemini will probably be fascinated by the belief system of Aquarius, always so rational and humane, Aquarius will have an opportunity to relieve some of their ego problem with their Gemini partner.
The mutable quality of Gemini will allow them to adapt to some of those rigid Aquarian attitudes and opinions, even if they disagree. Gemini does have this mellow nature that understands the flow of the social touch with other people, and will rarely fight for their beliefs with someone they feel really close to. This is a good thing for their everyday life, but in general, this can present a problem because the authentic personality of Gemini could be shushed until they are not sure who they are anymore, once again.
It is important for them to have enough flexibility for one another, however different their premises might be. Still, it is best if they share the same basic life philosophy, which they usually do, or they could get distant and lose interest in each other. As two Air representatives they find that communication is the solution to any problem, but aren’t aware how far from Earth they might get with their ideas unrealized and their goals unreached because of too much talk, and too little action.