Aquarius & Aquarius Emotions

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Aquarius & Aquarius Emotions

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Aquarius & Aquarius Emotions

Aquarius isn’t that emotional in a typical sense, but this doesn’t mean they are not emotional at all. Their love is in a way shared on a group of people and although it is not that romantic, it is very important to them as the foundation of their entire belief system. When it comes to a romantic relationship, two Aquarius partners could feel a lot for each other, but are more likely to perceive each other as friends.
If they do fall in love, as representatives of a fixed sign, they will stay together for a long time although none of them really cares for how long the relationship will last. The beauty of their love is in its detachment, however strange that may sound. Since they know it will never be found with another partner, they will only get closer as soon as true emotions start to show.