Virgo & Gemini Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Virgo & Gemini Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Virgo & Gemini Sexual & Intimacy Compatibility

Gemini and Virgo are both ruled by Mercury, not a very sexual planet at first glance. However, this affects them in different ways, for Gemini is a masculine sign, always ready to explore, while Virgo is a feminine sign, shy and sensitive. Their sexual relationship is hardly promising, but they both have the need to communicate. If they find a language they both understand, they might agree on the way their sexual life is to progress. However, there is a big chance that endless discussions will not lead to their mutual understanding, leaving them distant and not interested to share any sexual experiences.
If they fall in love, they will use enough tenderness and respect to make their sex life work, but it will still rarely be satisfying for both partners. They are both curious, but not in the same way, and have an extrovert vs. introvert conflict. While Gemini would often like to be free to get naked and run around the streets, Virgo would prefer if everyone kept their bodily fluids to themselves. To top it all, they both need verbal stimulation, but the words each of them would like to hear often aren’t what the other person knows how to say.