Virgo & Gemini Emotions

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Virgo & Gemini Emotions

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Virgo & Gemini Emotions

Gemini is considered not that emotional. Virgo brings Venus to its fall and rationalizes everything. Still, there is an interesting emotional side to both of them. Gemini is located between Taurus and Cancer, two strong, feminine, motherly signs. This means that the sign of Gemini is formed out of Taurus and is a base for Cancer. How can it lack emotion than? Virgo has a problem with Venus, that is true, but does this make Virgo unemotional?
Their biggest problems are speed and fear. Gemini simply doesn’t stay in one place for long enough to build an emotional bond or recognize how they feel, while Virgo tries hard to dismiss Venus and with it love and all earthly pleasures because they don’t think they deserve any of it. Both signs have a small, fast planet in common, and if they touch each other’s hearts, they will understand their partner’s occasional need to run off, or run away.