Virgo & Gemini Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Virgo & Gemini Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Virgo & Gemini Communication and intellect

They are ruled by the same planet, master of communication, Mercury. They may have their differences, but we wouldn’t say their communication is bad. Even if they have a fight, they will still be good at talking. Their view on intellect could be a bit different though. Gemini’s superficial nature could seem extremely stupid to their Virgo partner. This will set Gemini off to be even more irritating on purpose, because they are everything but stupid. In return, Gemini will see Virgo’s obsession with details and think of them as crazy. Virgo will probably not fight this, but sit in their room and cry, alone, in the dark.
They need to find a way to recognize each other’s “flaws” as good qualities and they will get there if each of them lets their partner help. When these minds come together, there is no problem to stay unsolved, for together, they are Mercury in all its glory. These signs have a mission to unite and transform heavenly ideas into real life, and lift human knowledge step by step, towards divinity. This is a relationship of the Air side of Mercury and its Earth side, grounded and well thought of. It shouldn’t be forgotten that the sign of Virgo exalts Mercury so Virgo can exalt their Gemini partner, if only they wanted to land.