Pisces & Capricorn Values

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Pisces & Capricorn Values

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Pisces & Capricorn Values

There is a certain consistency in their way of approaching their values. It is strange how someone like Pisces can value stable emotions that much, but they help them to finally rest their mind and their heart when they are in a stable emotional relationship. Capricorn will surprisingly value one’s ability to be in touch with their emotions and have a clear vision of a positive outcome.
Unfortunately, they will have a real problem in approaching the use of beliefs and emotions in everyday life, and while Capricorn will value coolheaded thinking and one’s ability to be rational, Pisces will value the opposite. They will sometimes be too different, Pisces dreaming of a perfect love, Capricorn knowing it is impossible, Pisces imagining a God with a golden beard, Capricorn believing in this moment, or visiting a church because of tradition rather than belief. It won't be easy but they might value each other enough to overcome their differences.