Pisces & Capricorn Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Pisces & Capricorn Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Pisces & Capricorn Communication and intellect

If anyone can inspire a Capricorn, it is their Pisces partner. They can both care a lot about communication in their relationship, but their bond will allow them to stop talking and start listening. They are both shy in a way, and in order to get to know each other, they will have to be very careful to pay attention to one another. It is a good thing they will both want to do so, intrigued by their partner’s nature, excited about getting to know each other in depth.
The problem in their communication can arise when Capricorn gives in to their rigid opinions and beliefs. The sign of Capricorn brings Jupiter to its fall, and Jupiter is traditionally the ruler of Pisces. This could truly endanger their entire relationship, for the strict and rational nature of Capricorn can damage the faith and the convictions of Pisces through simple disbelief. Pisces partner will rarely give up on their belief system, since this is what they live for, but they could question it and feel lonely because of the lack of understanding from their partner. “What will be, will be” might become “I decide what will be” and this can suffocate the spontaneity and the inspiration that Pisces partner carries within.