Libra & Taurus Trust

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Libra & Taurus Trust

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Libra & Taurus Trust

Taurus’ trust can be damaged with Libra’s need to be liked by everyone, especially if they are not sure if they want to be with their Taurus partner in the first place. If Libra can’t make this basic decision, the uncertainty would be a punch for the ego of Taurus and it will be very hard to recover after they realize they are not wanted with certainty.
Even if they are Libra’s first choice, there is still a matter of flirting with so many other people. With really insecure Libra specimens, it is almost impossible to have a trusting relationship, for their need for acceptance can go a long way and even suck them into unfaithfulness. Their quality however, is in their outlook on justice, and they will rarely act on their insecurities, but still, who could be sure when the vibe is so unstable, especially when someone as stable as Taurus tries to blend in.