Libra & Taurus Communication and intellect

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Libra & Taurus Communication and intellect

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Libra & Taurus Communication and intellect

These two will drive each other crazy. On one hand you would have Taurus, never doubting their character, never moving and annoyingly unchangeable. On the other, you would have Libra, indecisive and never certain of what they want. It seems impossible for them not to jump on each other’s nerves daily.
The main challenge here is their primary opinion on each other. As two sides of Venus, these signs represent a peasant girl (Taurus) and a city lady (Libra). When you combine this with the fact that Libra has a fallen Sun, their ego problem would easily make them feed on their refined, city image and they could criticize the “peasant girl” for her lack of style and her rusticity. They simply don’t understand that the fact that Taurus likes things comfortable doesn’t always reflect on their lack of style and can’t accept the differences in their appearance.
You could say that this is quite superficial, but it is actually a really deep problem with insecurity. Libra is not criticizing Taurus because they are such a fine person, but because they are afraid they are not. Taurus will easily get insecure because of this critical view and dip into their guilt trip, almost as if they always searched for someone to wake the guilt in them, but without the ability to change and accept criticism as constructive. Even if this is not something any of them will say out loud, it can be felt in their relationship, even by those around them.