Libra & Capricorn Trust

Compatibility between zodiac signs: Libra & Capricorn Trust

Love Compatibility

Find out if your partnership will go all the way. some sun signs naturally work well together, but others need to compromise to make it work!

Libra & Capricorn Trust

A strange thing in a relationship of Libra and Capricorn is a really high level of trust between them. Even though Libra can sometimes have questionable motives, a Capricorn partner will make them turn to Saturn completely and feel guilty at the smallest glimpse of a possible lie. The only possible problem surfaces when Capricorn is too strict from the start, making their Libra partner feel inadequate, judged, or even scared of the consequences of their actions. This could make their relationship dishonest, not because there is actually something to hide, but because Libra partner feels the need to protect themselves by holding on to their privacy.